Alfie Scholars Cohort 5 Graduates with Honors

The nine Alfie Scholars of Cohort 5 graduated this academic year. Like their predecessors, the scholars of Cohort 5 excelled academically. This year’s graduates earned their degrees in a wide variety of disciplines: three in Nursing, two in Computer Science, and one each in Business Economics, Diagnostic Ultrasound, Psychology and Forensic Psychology Criminal Justice (a double major in two different departments), and Sociology.


Abem Fekade-Tessema, Business Economics

Abem Fekade-Tessema received the Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen Award, which Seattle University describes as its most prestigious honor. Abem also received the Mission Award: Leadership for 2020–2021.


Afrikaan Sahra, Computer Science

Afrikaan Sahra is the seventh Alfie Scholar to earn the Distinguished Graduating Student Award.

To be an Alfie Scholar is to be an example for others, to be inspired, and to inspire others. 
— Afrikaan Sahra, Computer Science
Civility allows for our humanity to flourish by exercising mutual respect and empathy toward a diverse range of opposing perspectives.
— Chelsea Arnold, Psychology and Forensic Psychology, Criminal Justice

Anastasiya Davis, Nursing

Anastasiya Davis received the Mission Award for Academic Excellence.


Academic Honors

Impressively, all of the Cohort 4 Alfie Scholars graduated with academic honors:

Summa Cum Laude

Magna Cum Laude

Cum Laude


Departmental Honors

Chelsea Arnold

Chelsea Arnold, a summa cum laude double-major, earned the Gaffney Award for the highest GPA in the Department of Psychology and the Kelliher Award for the highest GPA in the Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology, & Forensics.

Natalie Hutson smiles in a black sweater

Natalie Hutson

Natalie Hutson, a magna cum laude sociology major, earned the Henry Hawking Award for Anthropology and Sociology


Campus Leadership

Four of the Cohort 5 Alfie Scholars served in leadership positions on campus:

Chelsea Arnold

Chelsea Arnold was elected President of the Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society.

Anastasiya smiles holding her academic achievement certificate

Anastasiya Davis

Anastasiya Davis served as the President and Public Relations Officer of the Seattle University Student Nurses Association.

Abem smiles while holding his award

Abem Fekade-Tessema

Abem Fekade-Tessema was elected Class Representative on the Student Government of Seattle University each of his sophomore, junior, and senior years. He was also an Undergraduate Representative on the Presidential Search Committee.

Brenda Mata-Diaz

Brenda Mata-Diaz was the Mentorship Officer, B.S.N. Transfer Cohort, 2022


Ignatian Leaders

Four members of this cohort, Chelsea Arnold, Abem Fekade-Tessema, Brenda Mata-Diaz, and Afrikaan Sahra, were named Ignatian Leaders by the university. Ignatian Leaders participate in a leadership formation project, collaborate with the university to offer mentoring to other students, and meet with university leaders to discuss the student experience.


Congratulations to our graduates!


Alfie Scholars Selected for Alpha Sigma Nu Leadership


Congratulations to the Nine Alfie Scholar Juniors Inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society!